Outdoor Fitness Facility In 2022, the Rotary Club of Richmond set a goal of raising $45,000 for an outdoor fitness system for seniors in Richmond. Outdoor exercise equipment is designed to help older adults stay mobile, healthy, and physically active in their communities, and with an aging population, Richmond could use as many seniors oriented facilities as we can get! Since 2022, the Rotary Club of Richmond has held several events to raise money for the facility and we are on track to meet our goal. In 2022, the Rotary Club of Richmond held its annual Table Tennis Tournament. While in previous years the Table Tennis Tournament raised money for outdoor table tennis tables, this year, the tournament raised money for the outdoor fitness facility, raising $5000 at the event. On February 4m, 2023, the Rotary Club of Richmond hosted its Lunar New Year Gala. While we raised money for several important causes, we also raised money for the outdoor fitness system. The evening raised over $25,000, and we will be allocating some of the funds to the fitness park. We recently were approved for an $8000 District Grant to go towards the project. And finally, we've applied for a New Horizons Seniors Program grant. The New Horizons for Seniors Program is a federal grants and contributions program. It provides funding for projects that make a difference in the lives of seniors and in their communities.
If approved, we will be able to complete our fundraising goal, and partner with the City of Richmond on the remainder of the project.