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Wed Nov 22, 2023 Hybrid Meeting 12-1:30pm
Richmond Multicultural Community Services and Election of Officers 

From 12:15 - 1:00 pm - Presentation by Richmond Multicultural Community Services 

1:00 pm - 1:45 pm - Annual Meeting - Election of Officers and Presentation of Financial Reports and Mid-Year Reports. 


We need a quorum of 1/3 for the election of officers, so please come!  

We would love to see you in person:
Continental Seafood restaurant
11700 Cambie Road, Richmond
Dim sum & noodle lunch $30/per
RSVP Co-President Suna Email
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ZOOM ID  604 778 0162
Password  202020
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12:00pm Social
12:15pm Meeting
12:20pm Speaker
Upcoming Events
Rich Multicultural Community Serv /Annual Meeting
Continental Seafood Restaurant
Nov 22, 2023
12:00 PM – 1:45 PM
Classification Talk - Joanne Lau
Tin Tin Seafood Harbour
Nov 29, 2023
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
No Meeting due to Dec 9 Christmas Gala
Dec 06, 2023
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
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District Foundation Dinner
District 5040 Foundation Dinner.
On November 18th, 2023, Rotary District 5040 held a District foundation dinner.  This was an opportunity to celebrate the Rotary Foundation and thank everyone who has supported the foundation.
And most importantly, an opportunity to raise money for the Foundation and all the important causes it supports.
The Rotary Foundation (TRF) is among the most respected charitable organizations in the world. From eradicating polio to promoting world understanding, peace and goodwill, the Foundation is the tool by which Rotary makes a meaningful difference in the lives of others.  The Foundation’s funds come largely from club and district contributions and personal giving by Rotarians and others.
At the Foundation Dinner, members of Rotary District 5040 - the 48 Rotary clubs from Vancouver up the coast to Prince Rupert, raised $23,000!
This will go towards projects such as winter coats and boots for kids, a valley trail viewing platform, an off leash dog park, seniors’ outdoor fitness stations, lower income family kids sponsored for summer camp, and for young musicians to participate in a youth orchestra.
The funds will all go to the The Rotary Foundation - one of the highest ranked international foundations over the past 15 years.
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The funds come back to District 5040 and become available to clubs applying for grants to provide projects of service to their communities.
Thanks to all the Richmond Rotarians who attended this great event. 
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Christmas Gala
Come to our Christmas Gala.

Christmas Gala

Time to celebrate. We love to see everyone, please bring your family and friends to a fun party.    


  • 6:00pm               Fellowship and Cash Bar 
  • 6:30pm               Buffet Dinner and Program
  • 8:30 -11:30pm    Dancing


  • Door prizes including a gift certificate from the Executive Hotel Vancouver Airport
  • Gift Exchange (optional) - $20 or eco-friendly regifting which it's new, it's nice, but it's not for you.
  • Christmas Carol
  • Game, Dance and more

Tickets are $100 per person, please register by December 4 - 5pm 

Parking - please register your license plate online for complimentary parking  https://www.offstreet.io/location/R6HFNNTS There’re plenty of parking stalls with 2 outdoor parking lots and one 7-level indoor parkade. To access the parkade, please press the button on the intercom beside the gate and front desk will open the gate.

Please use the link below to register.


RI & District News
Rotary International News
District 5040 News

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