Wed May 31st, 2023 Hybrid Meeting 12-1:30pm

Asia Forgotten Kingdom - Dr. Matthew Pajares Yngson

The Tausug people of Sulu have been a sovereign people for more than 600 years living in the Sulu Archipelago.

Join us to learn more, with good food, good friends and a good time.  

We would love to see you in person:
Continental Seafood restaurant
11700 Cambie Road, Richmond
Dim sum & noodle lunch $30/per
RSVP Co-President Suna Email
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ZOOM ID  604 778 0162
Password  202020
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12:00pm Social
12:15pm Meeting
12:20pm Speaker
Upcoming Events
2023 Rotary International Convention Melbourne
May 27, 2023 8:00 AM –
May 31, 2023 4:00 PM
Hybrid Meeting - Asia’s Forgotten Kingdom
Continental Seafood Restaurant
May 31, 2023
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
No Meeting due to Club Social June 9
Jun 07, 2023
6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
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The 2023 President's Ball
Please come and join us to celebrate the new board installation and a 10 course meal for $60 per person! 
Our District Governor will install our new board.

The President's Ball will be on June 16, 2023, 6:30 PM at Continental Seafood restaurant. 
We encourage you to come to this year's President's ball - Richmond Rotary's 2022 President's Ball was a big hit! Let's take a look back. 
As always, it was a wonderful evening of tradition, speeches, awards and ceremony. We welcomed our new board and a new President, as well as three new Richmond Rotarians. 
Last year, co-President Suna Yee completed a remarkable year as President, completing a number of remarkably successful initiatives, including raising money for seniors, low income Richmondites, and people in need in our community. As co-President, she handed the baton to Bill Lau. 
John Berry, District Governor Elect, then inducted our new board:
Last year's newly inducted President, Bill Lau, delivered a wonderful speech and outlined his plans for the year promising money and memberships! 
The Thunder Mug and Hospital Lab Coat are a Richmond Rotary tradition that the Past President passes on to the incoming President. The Lab coat is an acknowledgement of Richmond Rotary's long history of support for Richmond Hospital.
(Past President's Keith Tsukishima and Dean Hsieh honouring the tradition in 2018)
And James Kao passing the baton to Suna Yee in 2021.
Last year's evening also featured Paul Harris and Polio Society recognitions presented by our friend District Governor Lorne Calder. Paul Harris Fellows are presented to those who have made significant contributions to Rotary or demonstrated exemplary service above self. Polio Plus Society Members are consistent donors to one of our most important causes. 
Our Fun Traditions
The new board will be officially installed on June 16th.
Our club has a tradition to present the new president “Thunder Mug” and “The Veep”. These two items have a long varied history in our club and have been a source of great fun and fellowship. The original Thunder Mug and Veep (below) were presented to our Club by members Hugh McCue and Jim McCracken. (See the presentation letter) The second Thunder Mug, a replacement of the original one, which silently disappeared, was handcrafted by the widow of one of our past Presidents in her husband's honor. The original Veep was accidentally damaged and was replaced by PP Wilbur Walrond on 2004.
A second tradition is to pass on a hospital lab coat and stethoscope from president to president. The Richmond Hospital Foundation presented the Rotary Club of Richmond these two items in recognition of our significant contribution over many years. 
Upcoming Rotary Social!
Rotary Evening Social and Potluck events are back!
Last year, in order to accommodate Rotarians who sometimes have challenges making the Lunch meeting, Richmond Rotarians started hosting a monthly evening social. It's a great opportunity to get together in the evening and enjoy fellowship.
Our next event will be a Potluck on June 9th, 2023 at 6:00 pm at Vivian's house - 10013 River Drive, Richmond BC.  Please sign up with Yuhan at 778-866-7195 or
As Richmond Rotary has traditionally not held consistent social events like our new monthly social, this is an innovative idea to build friendships, on top of the good work we do.  
On July 6th, 2022, Richmond Rotary held a potluck dinner at the beautiful McDonald beach.
The event was a great opportunity for Rotarians to get together for a social atmosphere in the evening. If you ever can't make the Lunch meeting, watch out for our next evening social!
For over 30 years, the Rotary Club of Lions Gate, North Vancouver, has hosted Canada Day celebrations in North Vancouver.
What are your Canada Day plans?
Your Rotary club can head over to North Vancouver to join other clubs and local organizations in celebrating on the waterfront!
For more information or to register for club for the event, please contact:
Nick Bellamy
Rotary Club of Lions Gate
RI & District News
Rotary International News
District 5040 News
Thank you to our 2023 Lunar New Year Gala Sponsors

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