Wed June 21, 2023 Hybrid Meeting 12-1:30pm
Dr. Clinton Lee - Master the Art of Manners!

Dr. Lee will share the importance of manners and etiquette. You will gain practical insights and secrets on how to develop lasting relationship in today's fast-paced, globalized business world. 

We would love to see you in person:
Continental Seafood restaurant
11700 Cambie Road, Richmond
Dim sum & noodle lunch $30/per
RSVP Co-President Suna Email
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Password  202020
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12:00pm Social
12:15pm Meeting
12:20pm Speaker
Upcoming Events
Master the Art of Manners by Dr. Clinton Lee
Continental Seafood Restaurant
Jun 21, 2023
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
Hybrid Meeting
Continental Seafood Restaurant
Jun 28, 2023
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
Hybrid Meeting
Continental Seafood Restaurant
Jul 05, 2023
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
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2023-2024 President's Ball
The Rotary Club of Richmond held its President's Ball for 2023-2024. 
On June 19th, 2023, the Rotary Club of Richmond held its annual President's Ball. At the President's Ball, Rotary Club's install a new board and new President. 
As we close out the 2023-2024 Rotary year, President Bill Lau and Co-President Suna Yee handed over the reigns to our new President, Jaqueline Ho, and President Elect Hugo Li.  
Bill's term as President was full of achievements, including record membership, the Ipad project, a Humanitarian Relief Concert, and raising money for low-income seniors during Christmas.  Our Lunar New Year Gala raised nearly $25,000, we are nearing our goal of raising enough money for the Outdoor fitness project, and after raising over $21,000, the Rotary Club of Richmond purchased 43 Ipads and donated them to community groups across the city. 
Our club has never been bigger, and we are able to take on larger and larger projects. 
Serving as President and Co-President takes time, dedication and sacrifice, and we thank Bill and Suna for all you did and for a great year!
The evening also featured the induction of three new members into the Rotary Club of Richmond growing our club to nearly 45 members.  We were honored to have our District Governor, John Berry, to oversee the induction process. We inducted Carol Lee, Tirta Liu and Joanne Lau.  Welcome to the Rotary Club of Richmond!
The evening concluded with the installation of our new Board and President.  2023-2024 Rotary Club of Richmond Board of Directors: 
Jacqueline Ho President 
Hugo Li President Elect
Bill Lau Past President
Suna Yee Past President
Joseph Liang Secretary, Leah Cheyne Co-Secretary
Yuhan Chen Treasurer
Dean Hsieh Foundation
Jimmy Yan - Service Project and Program Chair
Zach Segal - Edith and co chair of Public Relation
Madeline Executive Secretary and Sergeant – at – Arms
Chantelle Roy
David Xin
Keith Tsukishima
We are very excited about Jacqueline's upcoming term as President. Jacqueline joined Rotary in 2017 and has been an active Rotarian since then, playing key roles in the club including Treasurer, Secretary and District Treasurer.  Jacqueline has been an instrumental player in all Rotary events since joining the club, and her term as President will doubt be a tremendous success!
Outside of Rotary, Jacqueline is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA, CGA) currently working in public practice accounting and with corporate leadership experience in media (radio), retail, and manufacturing industries. 
Thank you to everyone for a wonderful evening!
2023/24 5040 District Governor Installation
Come for an evening of friendship, food, and entertainment!
Saturday June 24, 2023 7pm – 9pm
$60 per person
Location is the Historic Steveston Cannery (12138 Fourth Avenue, Richmond BC)
RI & District News
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District 5040 News
Thank you to our 2023 Lunar New Year Gala Sponsors

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