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Wed Aug 16, 2023 Hybrid Meeting 12-1:30pm
BC Hepatitis Network by Daryl Luster

Daryl is the President of BC Hepatitus Network. Daryl Luster and Kerri MacKay will be giving us the latest update and explore potential partnerships in educating our communities about viral hepatitis, specifically hepatitis B and C.  

We would love to see you in person:
Continental Seafood restaurant
11700 Cambie Road, Richmond
Dim sum & noodle lunch $30/person
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ZOOM ID  604 778 0162
Password  202020
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12:00pm Social
12:15pm Meeting
12:20pm Speaker
Upcoming Events
BC Hepatitis Network
Continental Seafood Restaurant
Aug 16, 2023
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
Escalating Addiction Crisis in Our Communities
Continental Seafood Restaurant
Aug 23, 2023
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
Creative Embroidery for Rotary Apparel
Continental Seafood Restaurant
Aug 30, 2023
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
View entire list
Aug 2 welcome member #40 Mandy Pui
Mandy Pui was inducted to the Rotary Club of Richmond by PDG John Berry. Mandy currently works with around 500 charities across BC in her role as Donor Services Manager at Vancouver Foundation.
At the meeting our club was awarded 2022-2023 Rotary Citation by Rotary International, something to celebrate.
Aug 12 Richmond Club Potluck Social
Nearly every month we have one social event in place of one of the meetings. It has been very successful, members and families sharing fellowship and making friends.
Thank you to our gracious host Harmon and his family to open up their beautiful home, and Yuhan for arranging the potluck. We had a fabulous evening, feasting on multi-cultural food, singing Karaoke and playing basketball.
District 5040 2023 District Conference in Vancouver, BC.
April 28-30, 2023 at the Pinnacle Hotel, Harbourfront.
RI & District News
Rotary International News
District 5040 News

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ClubRunner 102-2060 Winston Park Drive, Oakville, ON, L6H 5R7
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