Wed May 17, 2023 Hybrid Meeting 12-1:30pm
Chinese Canadian Museum, Dr. Anson Wong and Melissa Lee

The Chinese Canadian Museum Society of British Columbia was founded in March 2020 to establish and operate a public museum in British Columbia honouring Chinese Canadian history, contributions, and living heritage. The Chinese Canadian Museum will be a testament to Chinese Canadian experiences, foster respect, inclusion, and collaboration among all communities and across generations. 

We would love to see you in person:
Continental Seafood restaurant
11700 Cambie Road, Richmond
Dim sum & noodle lunch $30/per
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Chinese Canadian Museum by Dr. Wong and Dr. Lee
Continental Seafood Restaurant
May 17, 2023
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
The Ideal Performance Series - Ram Nayyar
Continental Seafood Restaurant
May 24, 2023
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
2023 Rotary International Convention Melbourne
May 27, 2023 8:00 AM –
May 31, 2023 4:00 PM
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Richmond Rotarians Attend 5040 Conference!
On April 28th, 2023, a Rotary Club of Richmond delegation attended the District 5040 Conference!
This year's District Conference was hosted right here in Vancouver.
This year's theme was Connecting Clubs with Communities. In other words, how do we celebrate the connections between our club's and the communities they serve?  

Rotary is all about the communities we serve, and the goal of the conference was to learn how to improve on the great work our club's are already doing in terms of fundraising, volunteering, and growing our membership! 
There was innovative content, fun and entertainment right at Vancouver's Pinnacle Hotel.
And most importantly - the awards!
Every year, District 5040 recognizes clubs and individuals who have made great contributions to their community and the world through Rotary.  Rotarians could nominate an outstanding Rotarian or Rotary Club that deserves recognition.
The District presents several types of awards including Club of the Year, Rotarian of the Year, Community Service Awards, and many more.
This year, we are very proud to announce that Jacqueline Ho was awarded the Don Evans People of Action Award! 
The Don Evans People of Action Awards is presented to Rotarians in District 5040 who take action to create lasting change in their communities and the world. The nominee must have demonstrated an extra ordinary level of service, with an emphasis on personal leadership and active involvement, that resulted in specific action being taken that helped others through Rotary. 
Congratulations Jacqueline!
And here is some of our Awards history...
Our very own Dean Hsieh was 2019 Rotarian of the Year for District 5040! 
And two years ago, the Rotary Club of Richmond received the Citation Award. The Rotary Citation is the most significant award a Rotary club can achieve. A club earns a Rotary Citation for achieving goals that strengthen Rotary and it's club including membership, developing projects, and donations to Rotary Foundation.
This year, the Rotary Club of Powell River was named District 5040 Outstanding Rotary Club of the Year.  Congratulations!
King Charles Coronation 
On Wednesday, May 10th, the Rotary Club of Richmond discussed the May 6th 2023 Coronation of King Charles III.
Britain's new monarch King Charles has deep ties to Canada through his charitable work and outreach during his many visits to the country. He also has strong ties to Rotary. 
On May 6, 2023, Canadians celebrated the Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III and Her Majesty The Queen Consort. This historic event was the first coronation of a Canadian Head of State and Monarch in 7 decades.
Thank you to our friend Shawn Wade for speaking to us about this historic event in his capacity as President and Chief Executive Officer of the Royal Commonwealth Society, Mainland of British Columbia Branch (RCS).
The coronation was also especially meaningful for Rotarians as King Charles III has a long history with Rotary and Rotary's specific advocacy efforts.  
King Charles has promoted efforts to eradicate Polio for over 20 years, and has been keenly involved in Rotary's work on this issue.  
In 2003, King Charles attended a Polio National Immunization Day programme in India. Then in 2013, King Charles visited India again, this time wearing an End Polio Now scarf.  While in India, he acknowledged Rotary’s efforts in eradicating polio in the country. In 2018 at the Commonwealth Leaders Summit he once again praised Rotary for its polio eradication efforts.
HRH Prince Charles observing the vaccination of children in a village on the outskirts of New Delhi. © Kiron Pasricha
In 2022, he was presented with its highest honour: The Rotary Award of Honour, for his work on  fighting climate change and promoting sustainability. 
Past RI President Shekhar Mehta and Rashi present a Rotary banner to King Charles at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Kigali, Rwanda.
King Charles III is also an honorary member of RC ­Banchory Ternan, RID 1010, ­Scotland, since 1992.
A Successful General Assembly for 2023/2024
On May 3rd, 2023, Rotary Club of Richmond hosted its General Assembly.
Thank you to everyone who came to the Rotary Club General Assembly! 
General Assembly's are an integral part of our club's success.  At General Assembly, we review next year's budget, the treasurer's report, and the year ahead calendar.  
Your participation was key to ensuring the Rotary Club of Richmond remains well run and and on track for the next year! 
2023 Richmond Rotary Summer Social and Potluck!
10119 River Drive
Richmond, BC Canada
June 9th, 6:00 pm
Make sure to Register below.
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District 5040 News
Thank you to our 2023 Lunar New Year Gala Sponsors

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