2024 Lunar New Year Gala will be held on Saturday, February 24
2024 Lunar New Year Gala
Join the Rotary Club of Richmond to celebrate a prosperous Year of the dragon. Start the year with good health and fortune.
- Rotary Hospice House providing Palliative care in Richmond
- Mature Women's Health campaign of BC Women's Foundation
- Richmond Multicultural Community Service provides services to newcomers
- Adopt-A-Village in Laos to support the water system project
- and other projects of the Rotary Club of Richmond
Tickets $108 and $138 (at VIP tables)
- Click one of the two links below to register
- or E-transfer money to treasurer@richmondrotary.com or
- or make cheque payable to Rotary Club of Richmond or
- or call Event Chair Hugo Li, 778 859 668
- $33 donation tax receipt upon request
Enjoy a 10-course Gourmet Chinese dinner, Lion Dance, Entertainment, Auctions, Raffles, Dancing and everyone is welcome to participate in the Push-up Challenge.
Ways to Contribute
- Be a SPONSOR to support this event.
- Donate items, certificates, gift cards and/services to our online and onsite auction. Please email Madeline Hermary madeline@hermary.com or call Madeline 604.220.8844
- Purchase Gala Dinner tickets and join us for a 10 course Gourmet Dinner
- Make a cash donation, please e-transfer to treasurer@richmondrotary.com and indicate your preferred beneficiary