On Wednesday, October 19th, 2022, the Rotary Club of Richmond made a $12,500 donation to the Rotary Hospice House in honor of long time Rotarian, David Takahashi. 
On September 5th, 2022, long time Rotarian, David Takahashi passed away. 
David was a core Rotarian for nearly 4 decades, joining the Rotary Club of Richmond in March 1985.  Over his 37 years, he held several positions including treasurer, Vice President, and as Youth Service Chair.  David also served the club through many years on Golf Committees, Fund Raising Dinner Committees and Board positions. Up until recently, David was at every event, meeting, and fundraising opportunity. He was described as the Rock of our club. 
He truly made a difference in our community, and the Richmond Rotary Club was honored to pay the respects he deserved at our last meeting. 
In lieu of flowers, David's family asked that donations be made to "Rotary Hospice House" in memory of David.  The Rotary Club of Richmond started the Hospice house nearly 20 years ago, and it is close to the hearts of many members. In 2005, after 12 years of organizing, raising $500,000, and the hard work and dedication of people like David, the club built Richmond's first hospice house. 
Over the last few weeks, through fundraising and outreach efforts, the Rotary Club of Richmond collected nearly $12,000, topping up an additional $500, and proudly presented it to the Hospice House at our last meeting in honor of David. We had a full house for such a special occasion. 
Elizabeth Roach, Richmond Rotarian and Director at the Rotary Hospice House was in attendance to accept the cheque.  David's wife, Keiko Takahashi, who initiated this endeavor, was also present, to make the moment that much more meaningful. 
To acknowledge the Takahashi's remarkable contributions to our city and our club, the Rotary Club of Richmond presented Keiko Takahashi with the Paul Harris Fellow - our highest honor. 
In his capacity as a Rotarian, David Takahashi sat on the board of the Rotary Hospice House, actively contributed to its founding, and guided the Hospice house through challenging periods, making the whole day that much more special and meaningful. 
Such a warm and special occasion brought out long time Rotarians, including Tony and Nancy Yurkovich - two people instrumental in the founding of the Rotary Hospice House. 
And most importantly, it was an opportunity to reminisce, laugh, and celebrate David's life. Thanks to Keith for sharing some wonderful stories of his long time friend, fellow Rotarian, and travel buddy.