Wed April 26th, 2023 Hybrid Meeting 12-1:30pm
Veteran services by Chevalier Allan Plett, KCStG
Allan Plett spent 15 years in the Canadian Forces. He served from 1972-1988 with the Seaforth Highlanders of Canada and attained the rank of Warrant Officer. Click here to learn more about Allan!

Join us for some good food, meet some good friends and have some good time.  

We would love to see you in person:
Continental Seafood restaurant
11700 Cambie Road, Richmond
Dim sum & noodle lunch $30/per
RSVP Co-President Suna Email
Join by Zoom
ZOOM ID  604 778 0162
Password  202020
Zoom Link
12:00pm Social
12:15pm Meeting
12:20pm Speaker
Upcoming Events
Veteran services by Chevalier Allan Plett, KCStG
Continental Seafood Restaurant
Apr 26, 2023
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
2023 District Conference Vancouver
Pinnacle Harbourfront Hotel
Apr 28, 2023 8:00 AM –
Apr 30, 2023 4:00 PM
General Assembly
Continental Seafood Restaurant
May 03, 2023
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
View entire list
Asian Heritage Month
Last week, we learnt about Asian Heritage Month from Jessica Lam. 
Asian Heritage Month is an opportunity for us to learn more about the many achievements and contributions of Canadians of Asian heritage who, throughout our history, have done so much to make Canada the country we know and love.
May is Asian Heritage Month.
This year, Asian Heritage Month will kick off on April 29th.
The Vancouver Asian Heritage Month Society will be hosting the ExplorAsian Festival - a month of festivities and events across the Lower Mainland. 
Submission is NOW OPEN | VAHMS 2023 Festival
The Opening Ceremony will be on Saturday, April 29, 2023, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM at SFU Concourse Center Vancouver to celebrate arts and cultural diversity that Pan-Asian Canadian communities bring to Canadian society together.
The festival will showcase pan-Asian Canadian arts and culture, with local communities. 
There are dozens and dozens of events all across the Lower Mainland during the month of May. 
Richmond Rotary General Assembly
Upcoming Richmond Rotary General Assembly on May 3rd, 2023.
Come to the Rotary Club General Assembly as we review next year's budget, the treasurer's report, and the year ahead calendar.  
Your participation is key to ensuring the Rotary Club of Richmond remains well run and and on track for the next year! 
A Rotary Club General assembly is essentially a regular rotary club meeting where there is no scheduled program, but where the club president completes club business such as having the Club directors report to the club on their projects, discuss upcoming fundraisers, budget approval, and setting the calendar for the next year.  
There also may be elections, if necessary.
We look forward to seeing you there!
This will be a Hybrid General Assembly. 
In person
Continental Seafood Restaurant
11700 Cambie Rd,
Richmond, BC
$30 per person
By Zoom
Click on below.
Meeting ID:  604 778 0162
Password:     20202
Rotary International Convention in Melbourne Australia!
RI & District News
Rotary International News
District 5040 News
Thank you to our 2023 Lunar New Year Gala Sponsors

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