
Farm Product Exports,  (Sunfarm Products). Joined Rotary on July 6, 2018completed Rotary Leadership Institute, Program chair 2019-current, Service Project Chair 2021-2022


Jimmy joined Access Justice in 2003 and served as its System Architect, Project Manager, and Acting Executive Director prior to its merger with Pro Bono Law of BC. He is a regular commentator on Fairchild Radio on issues of public legal education and information. Jimmy held a B.Sc. degree in Computer Engineering and a M.Ed. in Law, Justice and Ethics. Jimmy also received one year financial management training at Certified Management Accountants in 2007. He is a Research Assistant of The Centre for Education, Law and Society in the Faculty of Education at Simon Fraser University and a CELS educational advisor to the Chinese community.


Jimmy Yan immigrated to Canada in 2001 from Shanghai. His father is a violinist; paternal grandfather a dental surgeon; and one great-grandfather a minister of the Anglican Church of China and another an admiral of the Northern Seas Fleet and the Republic of China Navy. Jimmy is a tennis player, swimmer, runner, and triathlete.