We are glad to receive update on the mask donation to Wuhan Hospital from Terry Chu, Rotary Club of Shanghai. The 1st batch of supplies 23,585 pieces of N95 masks cleared custom on March 3, they were repacked/labelled and on the way to four hospitals in Wuhan.
They are working on the 2nd batch of supplies, but it will be protective suits because masks are in severe shortage everywhere. They should have the protective suits in Shanghai over the weekend, and then in Wuhan mid next week. We will receive the final report once the 2nd shipment is completed.
The Mask Relief Task is an International Humanitarian Collaboration, initiated by the Rotary Clubs of Shanghai, in conjunction with the Shanghai GuoFeng Charity Foundation, Rotary Club of Richmond, Richmond Sunset and various Rotary Clubs in USA and France. Médecins Sans Frontières a.k.a. Doctors without Borders (MSF) generously agreed to supply 38,000 N95 medical respirator masks at cost. The objective of the Rotary Club of Shanghai is to help raise $ 20,000 USD to acquire this batch of 38,000 N95 medical respirator masks for frontline medical and health professionals in Wuhan hospitals.